Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

PLEASE Vote on amendment to the CCWCC Constitution in support of our CASC application.

01 Feb 2024

Good evening everyone, I hope that you are well.
During our application to achieve CASC Status as agreed at the 2022 AGM we have been requested by HRMC to amend a clause in our constitution.
"The club governing document will need to be amended before the application can be processed ... Delete clause 4.7 of the club constitution which enables the club to make grants and loans. This could mean that the club could breach the non-profit making element of the organised on an amateur basis requirement of the CASC scheme."

This clause originated from a ClubMark recommended text and we have confirmed that it will not affect our ClubMark status if we remove it. It also has no material impact to how we run the club or what we are able to do under the constitution. 

 It is therefore proposed to delete the following clause from the CCWCC Constitution.

" 4.7 make grants and loans and give guarantees and provide other benefits"
Please can you vote on this amendment with a simple YES or NO, using the link below. We need at least 30 responses (and ideally as many as possible). The vote will remain open until 15/02/24.
(Note you will only be able to vote if you are an Adult or on behalf of a Youth member registered on the website and also only once).

Thanks in advance


CCWCC Chairman on behalf of the Management Committee

(More info on CASC - Community Amateur Sport Clubs here)