Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

Happy New Year everyone and some CCWCC Committee News

07 Jan 2024

Good evening everyone, I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year.

I hope you are looking forward to the new season as much as I am although cricket at our club never seems to stop. It truly is an all year sport with indoor net starting today and different levels of success being felt across all sections in the Winter Indoor leagues.

I’m writing to share some CCWCC Committee news at the start of the New Year. Aran Long who has been Head of Men’s Cricket for the last 9 years is stepping down from the role.

I’m pleased to say that Ravi Godbole has agreed to take this on which will provide great continuity and Aran will stay supporting as a key part of the men’s Committee.

Aran has presided over a huge change in the Men’s section over recent years, from just after the merger when we had 3 Saturday teams and a Sunday to today’s 4 Saturday teams, 2 Sundays and a Midweek team all of which have been very successful for the club, and continue to be year on year with the Men’s 1st team now firmly embedded in the BCMB Championship Division. His passion and commitment to the club is clear to see and I am very grateful for everything he has done as Head of Men’s Cricket over the years.  

So, a big THANK YOU to Aran and an ask to everyone to please support Ravi, in what are big shoes to fill.

There are always more things that we want to do to make the club the best it can possibly be. So, if there is anyone that would like to volunteer for anything please let the head of section or I know and we’ll be very willing to take you up on the offer 😊.

Take care everyone and roll-on the 2024 season and our 10th Anniversary as a merged club.



Nick Outram

Chairman, Crowthorne and Crownwood Cricket club.