Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club - Club Constitution

Crowthorne Cricket Club
Constitution and Rules
(1983, amended 1989,1991,1995,2001,2006, 2013)

1. Crowthorne Cricket Club (the Club) was established to provide its members with the pleasure of
playing Cricket irrespective of their level of skill. The Club will remain an Amateur club offering both
Competitive and Friendly Cricket for its members as well as practice opportunities where

2. A member shall be defined as any person whose application for membership has been accepted by
the committee and who has paid the appropriate membership fee for the current year.

3. Though the Club’s official Financial year shall run from 1st January to 31st December, membership
shall run from the start of the season to the start of the following season.

4. The administration and development of the Club shall be carried out by a Committee, including at
least a Secretary and a Treasurer, to be elected annually by a General Meeting of the members. Nonmembers
are eligible to hold an office in the Club if so elected by the members.

5. The General Meeting shall be held each year between 1st January and 28th February. While
interested non-members are welcome to attend, only members and officers shall be entitled to vote on
matters affecting the administration or development of the club or election of officers. In the
event of a tied vote, the Chairman of this meeting shall have the casting vote.

6. The Treasurer shall present a full statement of accounts to the General meeting each year, and
these will be subjected to an independent audit by a qualified accountant or similarly competent person.

7. The officers of the Club elected to the responsibility of team selection shall do all possible to ensure
that all members wishing to be considered for selection receive an equal opportunity to do so.

8. While it’s impossible to guarantee a member’s selection for a specific match, any member asked to
stand down from a team must be guaranteed selection for next friendly match for which he notifies his

9. While non-members may be invited to play, members will receive selection priority.

10. It is always the responsibility of the member to notify the selectors of his availability.

11. All players will be expected to pay a match fee of a sum to be agreed at the General Meeting.
Match Officials are empowered to waive this fee only in the case of non-members

12. All players representing the Club are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that brings credit
to themselves, the Club, the Village and to the game of Cricket, with a respect for “The MCC Spirit Of

13. It is not compulsory for members to wear Club colours kit, but it is encouraged where possible.
However, it is expected that all players will wear at least suitable white Shirts, trousers and boots or
sports shoes.

14. Personal protection equipment is not provided by the Club and players are to be discouraged from
borrowing or lending such equipment.

15. All players are expected to proactively assist in the setting up and clearing of the practice area,
playing area and Pavilion on matchdays and practice sessions, in accordance with requirements
outlined by the match officials

16. In the event of the Club being wound up, a final set of accounts will be prepared and audited. All
members (except any Honorary Members) who held valid membership at any time in the twelve
months immediately prior to the commencement of the winding up shall be equally responsible for any
debts outstanding after the final disbursement of the Club’s funds. Similarly, those same members will
be entitled to equal shares of residual funds.