Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

A request for your help ...

19 Jan 2022

Good evening everyone,

As a club our youth section is an incredibly important component of our club encouraging, supporting and developing our young cricketers. None more so that that very early age group U9 and younger. By encouraging our young cricketers at an nearly age we instil a love in the game that we all share and know.

Last year we ran the ECB All Stars sessions which is now well recognised as the entry point to cricket for 5-8yrs olds.  These were hugely popular and are vital for the clubs development as they bring lots of potential new young players to the club; the saplings to populate our Wood, the chicks who will become the Crows :).

And this is where I need your help.

In previous years this has been run by a single person, and we are looking for people, ideally several, who can help us this year.   

There are several roles, the first being someone who is happy to oversee the admin for All Stars.  This is not an onerous task and will be predominantly before the season starts. The ECB have a dedicated website that we need to register on and everything is organised through that.  

We also need one or more 'Activator'/coaches who could help to run training sessions on a Friday night.  All Stars sessions are an hour long and are based on fun and games, you don't need a huge amount of cricketing skill to do it but an enthusiasm to help youngsters learn through play would be ideal. The training plans are already produced. To be an Activator you'd need to do a 2 hour induction session and a 1 hour online learning.  Our previous activator/coaches will help and can take some of the sessions but it would be so much better if we could have dedicated activators.  There are only 8 1hr sessions on a Friday evening for All Stars in the season.

If you or someone you know would be willing to support us in any capacity please get in touch, i'd be very happy to answer any questions you may have.

Thanks for reading, just a few people helping makes a huge difference so please consider how you could or if you know someone who might.

Best Regards




Nick Outram

(Chairman and All Stars Activator)