Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

CCW CAKE SALE - This Friday!

25 May 2021

CAKE SALE - This Friday! 

Dear all club members,

After the success of Katie's brilliant plant sale a couple of weeks ago, we are going to have cake sale to raise some funds for the cricket club. 

The plan is to have a cake sale on Friday 28th May at the youth and Coyotes cricket training so before, during or afterwards you can come and buy some cake. I will be making small, individual cakes, biscuits and other yummy treats for you to eat on the night, as well as some larger, whole cakes for you to buy and take home. All profits will go to the cricket club. 

Here is the important bit - it would be lovely if you could contribute to the cake sale in 3 ways:

1) Please bring some cakes / biscuits to the training practice on Friday 28th May to sell - these can be home baked, or shop bought - no pressure! It's not my area of expertise, but if anyone can make a gluten free / dairy free cake, then please feel free. If you are bringing your own tupperware / cake tins it would be helpful to have these named please so we can make sure you get it back.

2) Please bring cash! You will be able to pay by card on the night, but having cash for the cake sale will be much easier if possible. The Bar will be card only as usual.

3) Bring your appetite - all profits will go to the cricket club so it's all in a good cause! 

I am planning on having the table set up where Katie was with her plant sale so you won't be able to miss me, but if the weather isn't up to being outside I will be in by the bar! 

As ever, Bo's Bar will be open all evening so feel free to pop down for a drink, too! :-)

Anyway, I will hopefully see lots of you next Friday at training and will no doubt send out a reminder email nearer the time. Please do put this Friday 28th May in your diaries!

In addition to this, Katie will be returning soon with another Plant Sale... Watch this space.

Many thanks,

Gill O'Loughlin