Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

Friday Nights @ CCWCC - Message to all Adult Members plus Youth players and their families.

20 Apr 2021

Friday Nights @ CCWCC   - Message to all Members plus youth players and their families.

Dear ##firstname##,  

I trust this email finds you well and looking forward to long summer of relative freedom and more importantly sunny Cricket weather.

First of all, welcome to all new members so far across the Men's, Women's and Youth sections.  Welcome to all the returning players and their families too.

As you probably know, we kick-started the season last Friday with the first Women's and Youth Practice night at St Seb's. Anyone who was there would know how buzzing the place was.  The field was awash with over 70 players and probably the same number again of parents spectating and most importantly around 20 volunteers either coaching, assisting the coaches, meeting and greeting or working in the Bar and Kitchen.

In addition to the numbers we are already seeing, we will soon be welcoming another 20+ 5-8 year olds for the ECB "All-stars Cricket" scheme. 

So, as you can see, Friday Nights at St Seb's are going to be a huge part of the club and we look forward to seeing good numbers each week in a fun and safe environment.

To enable this to happen we will need a bit more help.  I'd like to ask for people to consider if they can support in any of the following ways:

1. Help setup before practice. Anytime before 6pm we could do with some help bringing kit and equipment out onto the field ready for use.

2. Help pack away after practice.  Anytime after 7.30.  Everything we got out will need to go away again...

3. Help with coaching.  We have plenty of ECB qualified, DBS checked coaches but can always do with extra help especially with the younger ones to help do the drills and general supervision. No cricket experience necessary but great if you do!

4. Help in the Bar or Kitchen.  We have a loyal band of bar staff (who are also great customers) but we are a man down at the moment (broken leg) and the Bar manager is currently turning his hand to cooking food.  The success of the bar is a major impact on the success of the club, profits from which help to keep membership fees as low as possible and also allows us to invest in the club.  In addition, we are also complying with COVID restrictions in terms of outside service and socially distancing - so the Bar and Kitchen is more hectic than ever. 

5. Any other general marshalling/helping/clearing up that needs doing. 

As a club we are really growing and looking to strengthen our pool of volunteers as much as possible to allow this. Whether you can help every week, a few times or even just once, it would be fantastic. The club is run entirely by volunteers (mainly youth parents and senior players) and it's our job as a committee to be continuously looking to add to the list of people.

SO.......If, by reading this, you think "Actually I wouldn't mind getting involved" or "I'd like to get involved but couldn't commit every week" then please let me know.   If you read this and think "A fully stocked bar and enticing food menu sounds perfect on a summers evening whilst watching my child play Cricket" - then that is great, too and no need to contact me!  

For those attending to watch on any given week, please support the Bar and Kitchen (contactless only please - no cash), keep to COVID guidelines that are in place, enjoy watching you child practice & learn the game and be as helpful as possible to those volunteers who ware running things.

Finally, I am delighted to support this fundraising initiative by Katie Finucane from our Youth Section. Please read her note below and support on Friday if you can/would like to.:

Hello! My name is Katie and I play for the under 13s and the girls team at Crowthorne and Crown Wood. This year, I am doing my DofE and the Young Cricket Leaders programme, both of which involve some fundraising. I would like to sell some of my home grown garden plants (including tomatoes, beans, peas and sunflowers) at the cricket club to raise money with no profit for myself. I will be setting up a stall on Friday evenings, starting this Friday, during cricket training and I really hope that you might support me by donating. It will be a minimum donation of 50p per plant (cash only, please) and 100% of money raised will be going to the Young Cricket Leaders foundation as well as the cricket club itself. Thank you!

In Summary we've had a great start to the year and anticipate a great summer ahead. Please contact me on the number or email below if you feel you could help on a Friday Night at the Club or if you have any other comments, suggestions or feedback. We'd love to hear from you.

Kind regards,


Dan Partridge


07917 753 200