The cricket season will soon be upon us, which means it is time to pay your annual subs.
Please note reductions for Men's Subscriptions only apply for those paying by 30th April 2021
2021 Men's Subs:
Adult: £80 (£60 if paid by 30th April 2021)
Adult Under 18’s / Students / Unemployed / Concessions: £50 ( £40 if paid by 30th April 2021)
New Members £40
How to pay:
Bank Transfer:
Account Name: Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club
Sort code: 51-81-22
Account: 86268155
Reference: (e.g.) K Golding 2021 Men's Subs.
Please email Kevin on to confirm you have transferred money.
Please make payments ASAP
Please note, Youth Members and Women Members will receive details of their 2021 subscriptions payments by separate communication from the club.
The above rates only apply to Men's subscriptions.
Kevin Golding