The 100 Club is now open to all members for the new year (July 2020 – June 2021).
Thanks to last years members who have all already renewed
The 100 club is a vital source of additional funds for Crowthorne & Crown Wood CC ,so please join in if you can.
If you wish to join please complete the attached form and send it to me with your payment, or e-mail ( to me, and transfer payment into bank account details on form.
Further details are on the attached form and a separate list of Current Members and Spare Numbers is also attached, but can also be found under the 100 Club tab on the left hand side of the home page on the Club Website –
The website page is updated with any further numbers taken up as soon as new members join in, and monthly winners are also displayed on this website page during the year.
Our intention is to catch up with the July 2020 to November 2020 draws at the AGM, if we are able to hold one by then.
Thank you for your support.
Kevin Golding