Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

U11s end of season message

27 Aug 2020

Season review

I hope that you have all enjoyed a wonderful season of cricket with our Under 11s.  I’m incredibly proud of all the children, who have improved hugely over just a few short months.   It’s fantastic to see their dedication and love of the game being rewarded with such great progress and performances.  Well done Crows!

I’d like to thank everyone at the Club who has worked so hard to make this unusual season such a success in difficult circumstances, including Sarah (Head of Youth Cricket),  Matt (U11 Coach), Sathiyan & Richard (Friday Coaches), John (Groundsman), Jason (Fixture Secretary), Bo & Alex (Bar), Jake & Helena (Scorers) & everyone else on the Committee.  I’m particularly grateful for all of the help and support from the players’ families, who have rallied around to set up/clear away the equipment and cheered on the team.

We have been able to give hard ball match experience to the entire squad of 19 players, with all children playing in at least three matches.  We managed to pack in 8 fixtures in this shortened season, including 3 intra-club matches & 5 games against other clubs (plus 2 more that were lost to the weather).  We won 3 out of 5 of our matches against other clubs, including impressive victories against large & successful clubs such as Finchampstead & Sonning.  All of those matches were closely competitive and hugely entertaining, with 4 of those results still in the balance during the final ball.  The quality of performances by the players, at times, has been simply stunning.

Bank Holiday Monday

I have sent out a notification to all of those who responded to Sarah’s email to express their interest in the U11s Family day on Monday (3.15pm-5.15pm).  Please do let me know as soon as possible if you haven’t received a selection notification but would like to join us for a couple of hours of family fun to celebrate the end of a great season.  Parents & children will be invited to play soft ball cricket against each other.  Feel free to bring a picnic & perhaps enjoy some refreshments from the bar.  It'd be great to see the kids in whites if possible, so that we can take some team photos.

Match fees

I will be sending out individual emails with details of how to settle up this season’s match fees (and in some cases bar tabs) in the coming days – I’d really appreciate if you could watch out for the request and follow up on it as soon as you can please.


All the best
