We hope you and your families are all safe and well at home.
In these strange times, there are probably more online purchases being made than ever.
So if you are buying online , please don't forget to help Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club to raise money when you are doing your online shopping.
It's very simple - just visit http://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/ccwcricketclub to register and shop with over 4,000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many many more. Whenever you buy something, the retailer makes a donation to Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club. They've helped other causes raise over £ 30M so it really does work.
It won't cost you a penny extra to shop through easyfundraising and you can even save money with special offers and voucher codes too.
So please make a difference to Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club this summer, and take a look at easyfundraising today.
To make it easy for you there is a subtle link on the left hand side on the face of the Crowthorne and Crown Wood CC Website (crowthorneandcrownwoodcc.co.uk), so please use this link whenever you buy online to help raise much needed funds for your Cricket Club at no cost to you.
Thank you for your support.
Kevin Golding
Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club