Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story


08 Oct 2019

Hello all,

The committee are pleased to announce the details for the 2019 awards night.

This will take place on Friday 15th November at Kabirs Indian restaurant in Crowthorne from 8pm.


Price for the evening will be £25 ( £20 for U18 adult team players) and this will include food and your 1st drink.

We are also encouraging people to go to the Prince pub ( next door) from 7pm onwards so we can have a few

drinks before the event itself.


Please confirm your attendance by replying to this mail( Important as we need to know numbers). Payment by cash will only be accepted if given in person to myself ( Bo),

Kevin Golding or Nick Outram. You can pay into the club account clearly stating your name and "PRESENTATION"


Club account details below:

Bank Transfer: 

Account Name: Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club

Sort code:   51-81-22

Account:     86268155

Reference:    (e.g.) Surname  PRESENTATION

Please reply ASAP and we all look forward to celebrating the season in style.


The Committee.