Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

End of Season Tidy Up. Saturday 28th September

11 Sep 2019

Hello CCWCC family,

So we are closing in on yet another successful season for our club on and off the field.

The 1st XI came 3rd in the Berks Premier League with a very youthful team. It went down to the last day and they could still have won the league so big congratulations to Will Avrili and the lads for an outstanding season.

The 2nd and 3rd XI with a mixture of youth and "experience" battled valiantly all season and can both look to the future with great hope. As an adult section as a whole, every single week we had enough players to put out 4 teams a weekend. In the current climate of club cricket, this is something each and everyone of us should be very proud of.

The youth section had its most successful season to date as the new club. We put out teams at U9, U11,U13 and U15 and every team did the club proud. The U15 team came 2nd in their league finishing 1 point behind Wokingham which was an outstanding effort. The U13s went 1 better winning their league which put them into the Division 2 County Cup Final. They came 2nd in the final but getting that far was amazing and Jason and the boys should be very proud.

We also put an all girl team into a 6 a side tournament, a 1st for the club and we are hoping to run a girls team next season.

As always, there are things to do other than playing, and with this in mind we ask you for your help in our end of season tidy up. At the end of September, the ground is turned into a football club with Pinewood FC taking over the reigns. We need to make sure the pavilion at grounds are ready for them.

This year, this will take place on SATURDAY 28TH SEPTEMBER FROM 10 AM.

There is plenty to do inside the pavilion and on the outfield so please come down at any point from 10am to help out whether it will be clearing and cleaning the pavilion/kitchen/changing rooms to raking leaves on the outfield. Bring yourselves, black bags, rakes and John Cartledge will tell you what is needed.

The bar still has stock and there are chicken burgers and other stuff in the freezer that we will be selling at Closing down prices!

We look forward to seeing lots of you down there and lets sign the season of in style and leave the place as we would expect to find it next spring.

Many thanks,


Club Secretary