The cricket season will soon be upon us, which means it is now time to pay your annual subs.
Thanks to everyone who has already paid their 2025 Annual Subs. The Cricket Club Committee and in particular the treasurer are very grateful for these early payments.
For everyone else, we would be grateful if you would pay your Annual Subs NOW.
2025 Adult Subs (Women's and Men's Sections):
*Please note the lower rate for Adult Subscriptions only applies for those paying by 31st March 2025. After which it goes up to the higher amount.*
2025 Youth Subs:
*Please Note: There is a £20 additional child deduction for those parents who have two or more children at the Club which should be reflected in the Subs amount the app asks you to pay *
Attention 2024 AllStars / Dynamos Members :
Please do not pay Annual Subs unless your child is joining the under 9's and not taking part in Allstars in 2025. Full details of 2025 AllStars / Dynamos will be released in the coming weeks.
The committee has spent many hours checking that each member is allocated to the correct subscription rate. However, if you believe that you or your child are not currently allocated correctly, then please contact Dan Partridge by email at first before you make payment. Dan can then correct any wrong allocations and make sure the right subscription is paid by everyone. Hopefully it all works smoothly for everyone!
If you or your child have decided to stop playing for CCWCC this year, then please advise Dan accordingly so that we can take you off the current year listing and stop reminders being sent.
How to pay:
We are asking you to pay ALL annual subscriptions through the HitsSports App/Club Website this year. This is to make our ever-growing Club more efficient. (#MASSIVEclub). We no longer accept bank transfers for Subs Payments.
If you haven't downloaded the free HitsSports App for your mobile device yet please do so now, as it will make everyone's life easier for making Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club related payments. If you need any help or support with either the App or the website (desktop or mobile version) please let Dan know and he'll be delighted to help.
For paying Annual Subs payments onthe App please make sure you click on the Subscription Tab at the top of the page, under your name, rather than the Payments Tab, otherwise it will not show you owing Subs. The app will always default to Payments when you log into it. It isn't completely obvious that there are two tabs unless you are looking closely!
Throughout the season when you see a correct outstanding payment on your app, please make payment immediately. It really does save an awful lot of time for the Club Officials who are involved in the day to day running of the Club. We have over 200 members and being able to reconcile payments in one go is a big time save for our volunteers.
Thanks for reading and acting on the above. If you have any queries on annual subs or any other aspect of payments, please let Dan or myself know ASAP.
Have a great season.
Kevin Golding
Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club