Good evening everyone,
A quick email as a gentle reminder for everyone that we have our AGM taking place tomorrow, THURSDAY 5th DECEMBER at 1930-2100 and will be an online meeting using Microsoft Teams as per Dan's previous email.
All members are invited (including Youth Parents who may wish to see the bigger picture of the whole club) and any voting that takes place will be as per the club constitution voting entitlement rules.
I also wanted to flag that we have a couple of people who are preparing to stand down from their committee posts, myself being one of them :).
I've been Chairman for several years since before Covid, before we had a Women's section, before we had 4 teams on a Saturday or a Midweek team and before our Friday night's became such a great spectacle. It's been a real privilege to be part of the team helping run this club and, along with all those others who have contributed, to have seen it's growth and evolution to the #MASSIVE club we are today. A thank you to you all.
Dan Partridge, our current Club Secretary, has put his name forward to replace me as Chairman and should he be voted in we would need a new Club Secretary. It is at this point that I rapidly point out that we are NOT asking you to do everything Dan does! I'm not quite sure how he manages it but in reality that has been more focussed around Club Development. The more representative description of the role that we may need a volunteer for is below, and whilst an important and critical role, is much more limited in scope.
The other person looking to stand down is Sushma Lall, who has done a great job as our Club Welfare officer for the past couple of years for which we are very grateful. The Welfare Officer Role is a mandatory ECB role and does require the ECB Safehands Training. At that point it is reasonably light touch, not withstanding any welfare issues that may arise. The responsibilities for this role are also listed below.
Job Description – Club Secretary
- Be the initial central contact for both club members and external parties.
- Minute all of the Club’s Committee meetings and any General meetings such as AGM and distribute them to Committee Members and Club members as appropriate and coordinate action tracking and matters arising
- Schedule and communicate details of all meetings and events such as date, time and venue to relevant parties.
- Maintain a register/database of all Club Members and where appropriate informing the Captains and Coaches of the ineligibility of any player for selection.
- Member of the Executive Committee and Bank Signatory
Job Description – Club Welfare Officer
- Mandatory ECB Role
- Be the first point of contact within the club for issues relating to Child Welfare and Protection.
- Be responsible for the updating, administration and organisation of Club Welfare paperwork.
- Act as a local source of advice on Club Welfare issues.
- Assist in the promotion and implementation of the Welfare of Young People Policy at club level.
- To uphold confidentiality, as far as practically possible, in all child protection matters.
- Have the right to vote at Committee meetings.
Should you have any interest in supporting the club in any of these capacities do please speak to myself or Dan even if it's just to find out more with no commitment on your part.
I really look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at 19:30 tomorrow for our round up of another great year and to decide what 2025 holds for us.
Take Care
Chairman - for a few hours more :)