Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story


28 Nov 2021


Dear all,

Further to previous Official WhatsApp messages, I am pleased to confirm the following details:

Event: 2021 Main Club AGM

Date: Thursday 9th December

Time 1900-2015

Location:  Virtual meeting via Zoom. (Invite/link to be sent separately)

Who is invited: Any past or present member, Youth players parents, Anyone with an interest in the club.

As always, as a club we want the AGM to be more than a "tick-box exercise".  The committee will present the current state of play in the various sections as well as our vision for the future. A lot of work is going on behind the scenes to prepare for the AGM as well as intense planning for 2022.

The meeting is not a volunteer recruitment/pressgang operation - so please do not be put off attending by fear of having to commit to helping! :-)

Saying that, we would like people to see what goes into running our club and think where you might be able to help - however small. 

Personally I would like everyone who attends to come away having "bought into" what we are trying to achieve and see our vision for where this club can get to.

Due to logistical reasons, the meeting will be via Zoom (very 2020!). Hopefully this will encourage a great attendance.

A few bits of housekeeping - 

  1. If you have ANY suggestions for the running/operation of the club on any level, please let me know and I can add to our master plan of ideas prior to the AGM.
  2. If you would like to join the Overall Club committee or any of the section sub-committees in any capacity, please get in touch with me prior to the meeting.  All members are entitled to put themselves forward  All current incumbents of the Main Committee willing to stand again. Please contact me if you wish to stand.
  3. If you wish to stand for any of the Men's Captains roles or get involved in helping the Men's Section, please contact Aran Long to discuss. In the event of a vote needed for any position, this will take place outside of the Main Club AGM.
  4. If you wish to get involved in Youth Cricket in any capacity, please contact Nikola Mansfield
  5. If you wish to get involved in Women's Cricket, please contact Lou Roberts.

Proposed Agenda:

1. Overall Club Update

2. Youth Cricket Update

3. Women's Cricket Update

4. Men's Cricket Update

5. Treasurer's Report

6. Club Structure.

7. Club Development Plan

8. Election of Club Committee -

9. Chairman's Summary

10. AOB - please advise if you have any items you wish to add. I will advise if they are covered in the broad topics above- If not we can add.

11. Close.


Any questions, please let me know.


Dan Partridge


07917 753200
