Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

U13 Hundred match - 5pm Mon 6th Sept

05 Sep 2021

Many thanks to those of you who have responded and accepted the invitation to play in tomorrow’s U13 Hundred match at St Seb’s.

We have now filled all of the available places and the following 22 players will make up the two teams:

St Seb’s Superchargers:  Alex Cook, Joe Finucane, Katie Finucane, Callum Gibbings, James Kelly, Chloe McDonagh, Krish Mittal, Nived Neelakandan, Shravan Sathiyan, Corin Tims, Ewan Wills

Crowthorne Invincibles:  Austin Bowker, Jackson Bhatti, Josh Cooper, Ethan Handy, Gabri, Jones, Josh Jones, Lily Mansfield, Sam Mansfield, Trisha Nair, Jan Rozycki, Koby Telford

The weather forecast looks good and it promises to be a nice evening to bring the season to a close.  Could you please arrive as early as you can so that we can set up and start the match promptly at 5pm, given the short September evenings.