Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

CCWCC CoronavIrus update

24 Mar 2020

Good evening everyone, we very much hope this finds you in good health.

As promised this is just a brief update on the latest status of our cricket activities in light of the latest government advice relating to the coronavirus.

There are obviously no nets this weekend and it won't be a surprise to hear that it is unclear at what point we will be able to consider training or playing any cricket but we will continue to keep you updated as we receive advice from the ECB.

As nets have been cut short, for those that paid for a Season ticket and who wish to reclaim a share of what they paid (1/6th) then please let us know by return. We will then, at an appropriate time, look to get a cheque sent out to you. Please be aware we require two signatures and that until the restrictions on movement are lifted we will be unable to meet any of these requests.

Thanks for reading

Take care and stay safe

The CCWCC Committee.