Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story


04 Feb 2020


Hi all,


This is the moment I’m sure you have all been waiting for, The Tour returns and this time we are off to Margate. The Jolly Boy’s Outing will be departing Crowthorne to see what the delights of the south east coast’s premier destination has to offer.


We have a game booked in for the Saturday against THE Margate CC and are currently working on a T20 for the Friday against other unfortunate local opposition. Will Avrili, Assistant to the Tour Manager, will be orchestrating the evening entertainment.


The Tour will be taking place from Friday 11th to Sunday 13th September. Yet to get an exact figure on costs but it will be between £100 and £120 person.


If you could let me know either by replying to this email or letting me know by WhatsApp by Friday (7th February) that would be really handy as accommodation options in Margate are pretty limited and we have a cracking place lined up so want to get it booked ASAP.



Ant Avrili

Tour Manager