Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

Happy New Year from CCWCC and Winter Nets Start 12th Jan

08 Dec 2019

Helloooo everyone, I hope that you had a great Christmas break and I also wish you a very prosperous 2019.

The year is already starting in promising fashion once again with the indoor team top of the league. We have a new 3rd XI Captain in Dave McQuitty and we are also looking forward to both Midweek 20:20s, Marvin Vogel as Captain, and a 4th team on Saturday so when the time comes make sure that you get your availability in.

For those that are interested, Winter nets starts in two weekends time on the 12th Jan and they are open to anyone, so please encourage friends, family and even acquaintances to come along. The details below are also on the website.

This year nets will take place at the new Wellington Cricket Centre for all, with the exception of the U7s and U9s who will again be in the sports hall in the adjacent Health and Fitness Club (both are located at the same site off Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, RG45).

The Cricket Centre is a purpose built cricket facility and as a result is vastly superior to what we used before. However, as a result the standard cost to rent has also increased by ~40%. That paired with the fact that prices we charge haven't gone up for the last two years means we unfortunately need to increase them this year. They also have a reduced number of lanes available so the adult nets will now need to run for two hours to cater for the expected numbers (if this doesn't work for us this year we will review our options next year).

Nets will be running every Sunday from 12/01 through to the 05/04 (excluding Mothers day - 22/03).

        09:00-11:00 for the adults (3 nets) - £7 per session or £45 for a "season ticket"

       11:00-12:00 for the youth (3 nets + Sports hall for U7s and U9s) - £6 per session or £40 for a "season ticket"


As we did last year, to qualify for a season ticket you must pay before or at the first session attended by a player.

For those that wish to pay online details are: 

       Sort code:   51-81-22

       Account:     86268155

       Reference: (e.g.) [Players Name] 2020 Winter Season Ticket

I look forward to seeing many of you down there.

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact myself or any of the committee.


Thanks for reading and here's to making 2020 a really successful year.



Nick Outram

Chairman CCWCC