Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

CCWCC Code of Ethos and Principles

29 Jul 2019

Good evening everyone,

 As we work our way through the second half of the season the Committee thought that it was worth sharing with our new members, and again with existing members, the Club Ethos and Principles.

 Please take the time to read them and we would request that you are mindful of what they mean and encourage others to be so too. 

 Crowthorne and Crownwood Cricket Club (CCWCC) exists to provide its members with the pleasure of playing Cricket irrespective of their level of skill. We value all our members and want to promote a culture of Respect, Contribution and Enjoyment.


 Behaviour and Conduct, Be respectful

 CCWCC is an inclusive Cricket Club. Discriminatory or prejudice language and/or behaviour will not be tolerated. This applies to whatever forum is being used, including on the pitch, at the ground or on Club Social Media Channels. 

 Our Cricket Club welcomes families and children. Please be mindful of your general behaviour and language, and consider those around you.

 Please be respectful of your team mates, officials and visiting players.  Although a general level of banter is part of the spirit of cricket, abuse on any level is not acceptable. Please take on board your Captains guidance on this.

 Do your utmost to be on time and meet any commitments that you may have made, whether that is for example playing, scoring, umpiring or helping out as a youth coach. If you are unable, please inform your Captain or the activity lead as soon as you can.

 Take pride in your Club and respect the game of cricket. Come to matches prepared, with complete and clean kit, and if possible club branded. Help to keep the St Sebastian’s Clubhouse and the grounds presentable. Make sure that you tidy up after yourself, don’t leave it to someone else. 

 And last but not least, no smoking on the pitch.  Thank you.


 Contribute and get involved

 It requires a huge amount of time and effort to make the club run smoothly to enable our teams to play each week and to ensure that the facilities that we take for granted are available to us whenever we need them. Many hands make light work could never be truer, the more of us who contribute to the running of the club the less that any one person or group of individuals has to do.

 There are many ways that you can help out, examples range from being a committee member, to supporting fundraising and social activities or being a youth coach. We really encourage you to speak to a committee member or Captain if you’d like to get involved.

 If you don’t feel able to support in one of these ways everyone should recognise that they have a part to play; be it making sure that you pay your match subs and annual fees on time, making sure that your availability is up to date, helping setup before a game and/or clear up afterwards.

 The criteria used to pick players for different teams are typically based on ability and recent performance. However, at the Captains discretion, players who do not pay their annual fees, have overdue subs for two or more weeks or don’t complete their availability, may not be selected to play even if available or be selected for a lower team than they would normally expect to play for. Where you have exceptional circumstances, please speak in confidence to the Captain or a member of the Committee. 



 We want everyone at CCWCC to first and foremost enjoy cricket and to feel they are part of a successful, growing and caring Club. 


 Thank you for taking the time to read this and for helping to make the club what it is!


CCWCC Committee