Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

Summer training details

21 Jul 2019

Summer training at CCWCC- No sessions on Fridays 26th July and 2nd August


Thanks to everyone who came and enjoyed our club Junior Tournament this morning.

Well done to the Incredi-blues team who won the trophy this year!

Thank-you to all coaches, scorers and helpers and thank-you to all who brought contributions for the BBQ.


We are having a 2 week break from Friday training, there will no training on 26th July or 2nd August but we will run sessions on Fridays  9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August.


The last Tuesday nets session with Performance cricket is on Tuesday 23rd July.

After that Parents and children can come and use the nets on a Tuesday evening through the summer holiday between 6.45pm and 8.15pm.

This is a parent supervised session so there will be no club representative or coaches supervising. 

Please do not leave your children unattended and make sure you stick to the time limits and leave the nets as you find them.  Thank-you.


One more date for your diary! The parents v kids match and awards day is on

Sunday 1st September. More details will follow shortly.


Enjoy your summer and we hope to see you continuing to come and play cricket!


Best wishes,
