Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

CCWCC Club Day 21st July 2019 - calling all Players - reminder to say you want to!

19 Jul 2019

Dear all,

The annual Club day at St Sebastian’s is nearly here, and if you haven't already please can you let us know by return email or on the Club WhatsApp Group (or contact Jules directly) if you do wish to play on Sunday (yes this week's Sunday is the 21st July)

By way of reminder even if you don't want to play come down and support your friends. It has in the past been a great day to celebrate the club, have fun with the six-a-side and drink the bar dry. Wellington’s finest DJs “Ant and D**k” providing the entertainment throughout the day, and all food is included with player/spectator fees. Drinks can be bought separately from Bo's Bar all day. The Senior event will be as per usual -

 AGAIN PLEASE UPDATE YOUR AVAILABILITY ASAP if you would like to play in this.


0930 - Junior Intra Club Tournament starts
1145 - Junior trophy presentation
1200 - Adult matches start as soon as juniors are finished– 6-a-side mini groups and then three knock out matches - three matches per player
1200 - BBQ open for business - huge thanks in advance to Mikey and Hayleigh for running this
1600 – Tea and cakes available - included in match fee
2100 – Senior Trophy celebration

Cost £10 per adult player and £5 Juniors or spectators

Please reply to this email if you wish to play or have an questions. If any other adults would like to play all welcome, so please us know and we'll add you/them to the list.

Thanks to those of you who have already volunteered to help during the day,


Jules and Nick