Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

Happy New Year from CCWCC and Winter Nets Start 13th Jan

04 Jan 2019

Helloooo everyone, I hope that you had a great Christmas break and I also wish you a very prosperous 2019.

The year is already starting in promising fashion with the indoor team doing well, especially if (the team say "when") we win our last game on Sunday and are crowned the Eversley Indoor Champions. With new 1st X1 and Sunday Captains, additional youth coaches and building on our efforts to gain Clubmark last year there is a lot to look forward to in 2019.

For those that are interested, you'll be pleased to know that pre-season nets start next week on the 13th Jan so a great opportunity to hone those skills/remind yourself what a cricket bat looks like (delete as appropriate).

They are open to anyone, so please encourage friends, family and even acquaintances to come along. The details listed below are also on the website.

Nets take place at the Wellington Health and Fitness Club (Dukes Ride, Crowthorne, RG45) and we have increased the number of nets on last year and are also providing coaching for the U7s and U9s in a more engaging environment using the adjacent sports hall.

They will be running every Sunday from 13/01 through to the 14/04 (excluding 31/03).

10:00-11:00 for the adults

11:00-12:00 for the youth

We have decided not to increase the fee and after our successful trial last year we are going to offer the same structure of £5 per session or £30 for an indoor nets "season ticket" payable at your first session.

I look forward to seeing many of you down at nets.

If you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact myself or any of the committee.

Thanks for reading and here's to making 2019 a really successful year.



Nick Outram

Chairman CCWCC