Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story

NOTICE for CCWCC Annual General Meeting 23rd Nov 2018

08 Nov 2018


Dear Members,

As agreed at our AGM earlier in the year we are now holding our AGMs at the end of the season rather than just before the start of the new one.

This AGM will therefore be held on Friday 23rd November at 7.30pm at St Sebastian's.

Please find attached the proposed Agenda and the Minutes from the last AGM.

In addition to the constitutional need to hold this meeting, in terms of electing officers etc,  the committee would like to use the time to present the current state of the club, the plans for the future and invite questions and suggestions on our future direction.

Please make the time to come and help set the direction of your club.

If anyone would like to add anything to the agenda or if anyone wishes to stand for a role or position please let me know.

In addition to the formalities of the AGM, the Bar will also be open and we can order food for afterwards (I would anticipate £10/head).

If you have any questions, please let me know,

Kind regards,

Nick Outram

Chairman CCWCC