Crowthorne & Crown Wood Cricket Club News story


20 Sep 2018

Hi all,


Please see the attached poster with the details of our 2018 presentation evening. This will take place at the Coppid Beech Hotel in Bracknell on Friday 26th October from 7.30 till late.

The cost of a ticket will be £25 per adult and £10 for U16's. All adult members and their family are invited to this event. U-16s are invited if accompanied by an adult.


You can secure a ticket by either bank transfer, stating your NAME and "PRESENTATION EVENING" or by cash to Andy Taylor individually. I will be down the club from 1pm on the Sunday 30th September for end of season clear out day. You can collect or purchase tickets from me then. Also, please let me know you intend to come by contacting me on or calling 07799038538.

The club bank details are as follows.


SORT CODE: 51-81-22.


Also, any of you wishing to stay the night at the hotel, we have a special rate of £69 for single occupancy and £79 for double. Please call  01344 303333 and quote " CROWTHORNE AND CROWN WOOD CRICKET CLUB, 26TH OCTOBER 2018"

We have a large number of adult members so as a result, we have made the presentation evening a larger, grander affair. As always, making events bigger come with a risk, so I urge all members to embrace this event and  help make it a successful evening.

Many thanks,

Andy Taylor

Club Secretary